In the spirit of perfection

The brand's fascinating history inspired my approach to their impressive product line of whiskeys and liqueurs with a vintage, Prohibition-era motif. I challenged myself to connect their moonshine past to the present by crafting a luxurious ambiance while incorporating a hint of shadiness. With this study-like setting, I imagined a conscientious distiller nursing a glass of "The Reverend" while mulling over their craft.

I resolved to capture the brand's essence by highlighting each bottle's uniqueness while maintaining continuity across the product line. Continuing the balance of old-world nostalgia with sophistication, I contextualized my subject in the space and lit the scene to mimic a late evening golden hue to complement each spirit's distinct coloring.

It was satisfying to shoot the individual products, as well as consider the entire product line.

I appreciate revisiting a brand, as it allows me to strengthen my relationship with clients and continue to fulfill their vision.