Holiday Entertaining for THE FRESH MARKET

We all know the adage about too many cooks, no such thing on a production.

At the end of summer, I worked with the Fresh Market to create their Holiday Entertaining Guide. From bountiful breakfasts to dazzling desserts, we developed a holiday story of gastronomic delights. This shoot required pulling out all the stops. Working with the Fresh Market's design team, I assembled a crew including a food stylist, prop stylist, their respective assistants, photo assistant, set builders…all of which put many cooks in the proverbial kitchen.

Working with a large team requires encouraging each person's expertise to shine while not losing sight of mine — and the client's — final vision. I enjoyed pulling it all together: crafting the team of experts, shooting in my Greensboro studio, and bringing alive the creative vision of The Fresh Market.

I relish working on shoots, big and small, but I most love giving form to my client's vision.

Art Director: Maribelle Romero

Food Stylist: Dawn Longobardo, Chriscilla Browning

Prop Stylist: Lani Roberts Paul

Set Build: Bennett Copeland